Humane Society 2024 Auction Donations
The Humane Society has decided that next year’s auction will be on-line. We are hoping that this will be our biggest and best auction ever. Our goal is to have 450 items or more to display online. Maybe you are redecorating and have items you no longer need or want. Maybe there are items you received that weren’t your cup of tea, or you no longer collect those collectables or wear that jewelry. Maybe you have a favorite restaurant, grocery store or other places of business. Gift cards to these places do very well. Please consider donating items or gift cards to our auction. This is one of our biggest fundraisers and we are looking to raise money for all of our furry friends we take care of all year long.
You can donate your items at the Humane Society during normal business hours. The Humane Society reserves the right to use your item at our auction or send it to other one of our events throughout the year. We are accepting donations for this event from Friday September 1 to Saturday January 13, 2024. The Auction will be held in March 2024. Please watch for more details coming soon. Please note: We cannot accept large pieces of furniture. Thank you for your generous support of the Humane Society.