Volunteer Application

The Humane Society of Wayne County (HSWC) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization funded primarily through memberships, bequests, memorials, public donations from individuals and businesses, and fundraising events. The mission of the HSWC Animal Shelter is to provide a humane facility to shelter, feed, and care for lost, unwanted, or abused domestic animals of Wayne County, New York, and to provide a facility for humane education to the citizens of Wayne County. The Society welcomes the participation of those willing to volunteer at the Shelter or to represent our Society at special events or community public relations programs in accordance with our mission and

You must be at least 15 years old before you can walk dogs, work with the cats, or have any contact with any of the animals. We apologize for this, but policy/insurance regulations require our strict adherence to this policy.

HSWC strongly recommends all volunteers at the shelter have a current tetanus vaccination. Please read the following carefully and acknowledge your understanding by signing and dating below.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What are you interested in doing? Please check all that apply.